Larry Page TED talk on the future of Google [video]

In a recent TED ideas conference Google’s CEO Larry Page talks to Charlie Rose on the theme of where’s Google heading next. 

Starting with Google’s mission, Larry went on to talk about several things that matter for Google and him at the company. Watch the full video below from the TED conference.

Here are the main highlights I have pointed out from the video.

  •  Organising world’s information and making it useful and universally accessible (Google’s Mission).
  • Changing the world with technology.
  • Making Internet accessible to the entire planet with projects like Loon.
  • Concern on security and online privacy of Internet users.
  • Saving lives and making lives better with self-driving cars.
  • Increasing use of bikes and finding innovative ways to use them.
  • Embracing Technology and doing innovative things.

What’s your main highlight from the video? Share the video if it inspires you.

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